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Starting LiveĀ on Tuesday,Ā October 3 @ Noon & 8PM ET

There is no way you were born to just pay bills, tithe and die…

If God’s people are “blessed to be a blessing,” that means we must first be…wait for it…blessed!

What if prosperity was for generosity, not greed?

What if you had more resources to give to the people and causes you are most passionate about?

Listen: The more money you make, the more impact you can have.

If this resonates with you, then you’re going to LOVE learning about Cashflow Mapping in this Online Workshop.

It's the most fulfilling and reliable way to build wealth with God…for the right reasons!


“Will this work for me?”

Because this Online Workshop is based on timeless biblical truths and proven formulas that lead to
financial success, you can achieve financial freedom and radical generosity regardless of:

  • Your age
  • Your income
  • Your financial history
  • Your geography

My goal in this FREE Online Workshop is to make the revelation and transformation in your life better than
any course you’ve ever paid for.
How will I do this? Keep reading…


This is NOT going to be a…

  •  “Name-it-and-claim-it” Prosperity Gospel
  • “Tithe your way to wealth”
  • Budget and live in scarcity and save for 40 years
  • “Sow a seed to spend your greed” foolishness



In this Online Workshop


You will learn:


  • How money is just another way to be intimate with Jesus.
  • How you can become completely financially free -where the income from your investments is greater than your expenses- in 10 years or less
  • About biblical prosperity that is not about toys and trinkets, but influence and impact.
  • How to build long term wealth for the third and fourth generation.
  • The "2 Money Moves" that make your wealth a matter of "when" and not "if."
  • The "4 Financial Levers" that can shave 30 years off of your retirement plan.
  • Your "Do-or-Die" wealth building decision (no, I'm not being too dramatic).



Register for the Online Workshop now

Hi, I’m Jim!


My wife and I started leading a church in Powell, Ohio in 2008. We saw amazing breakthroughs in healings—blind eyes open, deaf ears healed, people getting out of wheelchairs, metal dissolving out of bodies, even several dead raisings. Miracles aren’t just for Africa!

In 2011, the Lord told me to go after finances the way that we went after healing. To me, that was an all-out ballistic assault.

I ended up doing an 18-part series on finances and our church got amazing financial breakthrough. About 25% of our people got completely out of debt in 12 months, many including their homes. 

The Lord handed me an assignment to create a movement of Kingdom wealth-builders who understand that prosperity has a purpose. Prosperity isn’t about toys and trinkets; it’s about influence and impact.

Here’s What Other Leaders are Saying…

“There was so much substance and a true impartation of faith.”

When I heard Jim Baker teach an introductory session on the biblical principles of Kingdom Finances, my spirit rejoiced. There was so much substance and a true impartation of faith.


Dr. Patricia King

Prophetic Minister, Entrepreneur & Spiritual Mentor

“When Jim Baker speaks, I listen…You cannot help but profit from hearing what he has to say. I always do.”

When Jim Baker speaks, I listen. I do this for two reasons. First, because he is one of the few believers I know who functions both with a marketplace anointing and a Pastoral mantle. He understands both worlds. Second, Jim is a bonafide worker of miracles, and that is a rarity in itself. You cannot help but profit from hearing what he has to say. I always do. 

Lance Wallnau

Strategist, Futurist & Best-Selling Author

“You will be blessed and challenged to take a new bold stand in living and giving for the glory of God.”

Pastor Jim Baker sheds much needed revelatory light on the critical questions that have long concerned many over finances and what the Bible teaches…you will be blessed and challenged to take a new bold stand in living and giving for the glory of God.

Bobby Conner

Seasoned Prophet and Founder of Eagles View Ministries

Here’s What My Students Are Saying…(And Now It’s Your Turn!)

Stacie Pudliner

I have shared with so many the impact Wealth with God has had on my personal finances, kingdom work and how it is making an impact on the next generation. Thus far I have paid off my car and 2 credit cards personally. In ministry I am teaching special needs students how to market a single product and in their lives how to be so good others can't ignore. They are effervescent with purpose and delight in their power together. Thanks Jim! I highly recommend this course to anyone !!!

Camille Boyd

Jim's course has enabled me to have vision for building wealth. As a single mom, I have seen God's faithfulness to show up in the midst of lack. Jim's course helped me to dream about what it could look like to see God's faithfulness to show up abundance that overflows to others. The Lord has opened up doors that have allowed me to begin taking practical steps towards those dreams. Jim identified and brought truth & freedom into areas that had been holding me back. He blends wisdom, knowledge, experience, revelation from the Lord, and practical tools to create a course that will encourage you, equip you, and lead you nearer to the Lord and His good plans for you.

Landry Lockett

Jim Baker and Wealth with God have given me a totally new and upgraded knowledge base on money and God's perspective of money, wealth, and the issues surrounding those important topics. Many of my preconceived notions, habits, and default ways of thinking about money and God's role and attitude toward money; have been challenged in loving and life-giving ways. I now have a different way of thinking about money and wealth, and I have gained practical financial truths to compliment those new thought processes. I highly recommend Jim Baker and his teachings/trainings on wealth with God.

Register for the Online Workshop now

Learn the most fulfilling and reliable way to achieve complete financial freedom for outrageous generosity in 10 years or less with Cashflow Mapping.


This is for:

  • The men and women who have a passion for the King and His Kingdom and dream of someday having complete financial freedom--free on the inside and free on the outside--where they are able to finance their mission in life with income from their investments.
  • Those who want to create the provision for their vision and be able to enjoy it in their lifetime.
  • Those who want to radically change not only your current financial situation, but also the financial future of your children and grandchildren.
  • Those who want to make as big of an impact as possible with as few roadblocks as possible, and who want to hear at the end, "Well done, good and faithful servant."


What Will I Gain From This?

Everyone is busy and flooded with information. That is why I created
this Online Workshop to be simple and direct. My goal is to reduce the
Kingdom wealth-building process into actionable, bite-sized chunks so
that you know exactly what to do and how to do it. I’m reducing this
big task into a step-by-step process so that you can take consistent


Why Is This Free?

I want to add massive value to Kingdom-minded believers who want to
build wealth with God so they can shape the course of world
history…without building a golden calf. Also, I believe the Kingdom is
“taste and see.” You can get a “taste” of what Wealth with God is like
to see if you want to continue further.

Register for the Online Workshop now