Run your personal finances like a Kingdom business and increase your cash flow by 10% without deprivation or scarcity…

…IN 90 DAYS.


Wealth With God Levels 2 + 3

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“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep you will work until you die.”


- Billionaire Investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffet

Here’s What Level 2 Will Do For You…

You will never have to budget again by using the “un-budget budget” (this is worth the price of the course alone!!). This will help you optimize every buying decision. Can somebody say, “Freeeeedommm!”


You will understand why the real goal is not more money, but freedom. Freedom comes from having enough money coming in from investments to finance your purpose in life. 
You’ll get clear on what financial freedom means to you. Once you have clarity around this you can develop a financial plan reflecting your dreams, calling and the impact you want to make. 
You will reduce your expenses without deprivation or scarcity. There is a right way and a wrong way to save money.
You will eliminate debt with the fastest path and see what it looks like to have God involved in this process.
Identify and solve the root causes of debt, rather than just hacking at the byproducts (interest and bondage)
You’ll learn to spend according to your values which makes it really freeing and easier to follow through (because you are being true to who you are and not working against yourself) 
You’ll organize and automate your finances. You can’t improve what you don’t track.  
You’ll learn to think and behave like an investor, not a consumer. 
You will recognize that you are your greatest asset. As a result, you will have a customized plan to invest early and often in yourself…there is no downside.
You’ll learn to use God’s power to create wealth. God never said He would just give you wealth, but you can use His “power to create wealth” starting today. 
  • Lifetime access to the Wealth with God Masterclass Level 2 Online Course: You’ll receive the 13 lessons of the most comprehensive, proven training about Kingdom Wealth Building. Each lesson comes in video, audio, and PDF transcript, so you can learn in whatever format is best for you.
  • Action Guides: You’ll receive an Action Guide for each lesson so you can go from information to transformation in the truth you are learning. 
  • 90-Days of Mentoring with Jim Baker: One live group mentoring call per week with Jim Baker to deepen your learning and answer your questions. Warning: The Holy Spirit has been known to show up on these calls!
  • 90-Days of Coaching: One live group coaching call per week with Joshua Palleta so you’ll receive the support, encouragement, and feedback so you never have to struggle to figure it out by yourself. 
  • Private Kingdom Wealth Builders Coaching Mastermind Group: You’ll get access to our Private Mastermind Facebook Group where you can network with other Kingdom Wealth Builders, get any questions answered by us and by this community, receive mega-encouragement, share testimonies and struggles, and pray for each other. 


And by Investing Today You’ll Also Receive These Bonuses:
Free Bonus #1 – How to Own Your Home in 10 Years or Less…Without Making Any Extra Payments
Free Bonus #2 – How to Automate Your Finances
Free Bonus #3 – Beginning Risk Management 
Free Bonus #4 – How to Create a Savings Plan You Can Stick With
Free Bonus #5 – Habits of the Wealthy Mini-Course



Here’s What Level 3 Will Do For You…

Clarity + Action > Theory 
You will walk away with a complete plan to create the provision for your vision as well as the financial intelligence you need to implement it. In fact, you’ll know more about wealth building than most financial planners. 
Your plan will be a customized blueprint to fit your life situation based on your gifts, talents, calling, and resources. This is not some cookie-cutter plan…it's designed to uniquely fit you.
Your plan will be designed to give you the fastest, smartest and most secure path to achieving complete financial freedom—where the cash flow from your investments is greater than your living expenses.
You’ll have deep knowledge of how the wealth building process truly works in the Kingdom so you are no longer dependent on others to do the investing for you. No more giving a man a fish; you will know how to fish.
You’ll discover the principles behind successful wealth building, and you’ll learn how to implement them in your life.
You’ll learn how to keep more of the wealth you’ve built. It’s not how much money you make, it’s how much you keep. 
You’ll reverse engineer your plan into actionable steps. Now you will have signposts to measure your progress and accountability—so that your wealth becomes a matter of “when” and not “if.”
Plus, you’ll get my mentoring to walk you through the process and answer your questions in real-time. 
  • Lifetime access to the Wealth with God Masterclass Level 3 Online Course: You’ll receive the most comprehensive, proven training about Kingdom Wealth Building. Each lesson comes in video, audio, and PDF transcript, so you can learn in whatever format is best for you.
  • Action Guides: You’ll receive an Action Guide for each lesson so you can go from information to transformation in the truth you are learning. 
  • 9-months of Mentoring with Jim Baker: One live group mentoring call per week with Jim Baker to deepen your learning and answer your questions. Warning: The Holy Spirit has been known to show up on these calls!
  • Private Kingdom Wealth Builders Coaching Mastermind Group: You’ll get access to our Private Mastermind Facebook Group where you can network with other Kingdom Wealth Builders, get any questions answered by us and by this community, receive mega-encouragement, share testimonies and struggles, and pray for each other. 
And by Investing Today You’ll Also Receive These Bonuses:
Free Bonus #1: Retiring IN Your Business in 3-7 Years 
In this interview with an expert business coach, you’ll discover the steps your business needs to take to be able to retire “in” your business instead of “from” your business.
Free Bonus #2: How to Find the Right Accountant 
Since taxes are your biggest expense as a Kingdom wealth-builder, you’ll want to maximize your tax advantages. In this video interview, you’ll learn the secrets to finding the right accountant for you.
Free Bonus #3: Sample Wealth Plans 
Adapt best practices and ideas from others with examples of over a dozen real world wealth plans from actual students like you.
Free Bonus #4: Your Kingdom Business Is Your Ministry 
You’ll learn how your business can become a Kingdom business. Hint: it’s not just selling Christian products or praying publicly for customers in your store. 


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3-Pay Option


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